
We are Castle Cub Pack, 5th Carlow Town Scout Group

If you are new to Castle Cubs Welcome, we meet on a Wednesday night at the 5th Carlow Town Den beside the Youth Centre in Carlow Town. In our Cub pack, Cubs start in their 9th year and continue until their 12th year when they go up to scouts.

The cub scout programme is based around a journey through the Lands of Adventure, because at cub scouts age they move slightly away from family and discover the wider world, start to learn new skills and discover their capabilities.

Through the Scout Method and with the scout law and promise Cubs voluntarily give a personal commitment to do their best. This encourages them to apply themselves through all their activities. It also guides them on how to behave inside and outside scouting.

So at the beginning of each scouting year, Castle Cubs agree on a code of behaviour, these rules will be drawn up by the Cub Scouts themselves to make them feel safe at Cub scout meetings and on all activities.

Adults give Cubs support assisting them to learn by doing, and be active in nature and the outdoors, and through the use of symbols, stories etc the youth member’s imagination is stimulated and activities are given a purpose.

Cubs work in small groups called Sixes, these are led by one of the Cub Scouts, this person is known as a Sixer and he/she has an assistant called a Seconder.

In Castle Cubs we have 8 Scouters (Adults who assist the Cubs). There are 2 female and 6 male, our names are on the Scouting Ireland Activities Consent form which you will use when you register your child with 5th Carlow Town Scout Group.

As the cubs start on their own personal progression they are presented with a compass at their investiture which links into the symbolic framework of their journey and helps them map their way.

The cub pack picks a land that they want to explore (journey) from the large map of the Lands of Adventure and the activities they wish to do along the way. We as adults assist them as much as possible by facilitating each activity. These may include, Having Fun, Arts & Crafts, Dressing Up, Learning New Skills, Going on a

Hike, Camping Adventure, Cooking, Organising games and Meeting up with other Cub packs.

The Spice Cards then help them to choose what they would like to achieve and helping cubs along their journey are Special Interest badges, Adventure skills and all activities we do, to progress at their own pace within cub scouts.

Cubs wear a uniform which consists of navy trousers and a dark blue jumper with the World Scouting Badge and Scouting Ireland Badge on it. All other badges are earned.

Our neckerchief is Red on Right with Royal Blue on left, this is worn and fastened with a woggle; these can be purchased from the Scout shop in Bray.

Some of the Scouting Activities Castle Cub Scouts Learn ‘How To’ are: Survive in Nature-build shelters; use a compass-go from point a to point b; Build controlled fires- cook their meals; Pitch Tents-camp away from home; First Aid-look after themselves and others; Hill Walking-plan their route; Air Activities-how things fly; Kayaking-water safety; and they have great fun Learning by Doing this with their peers.

Our ethos is ‘Leave No Trace’ and Castle cubs are taught the principles of ‘How To’’ to ensure that we look after all the areas we visit for everyone.

At the end of their journey in Cub Scouts, the youth members can apply to do the Chief Scout Award, This is a very special award given by our Chief Scout and for this they have to complete a set of seven challenges to get the badge.

Some of the fun things that we have done are in the pictures below: